Saturday 30 August 2014

Day don't-know-what: It's getting along fine

Hey there friends!

I know, it's been eons since I last did any virtual engraving on this site. Since starting work this month, most of my energy has been stored and channeled to my pencil & paper, leaving almost none left for this page, sadly.

But I'm here today anyway! And I'm just going to write whatever comes to mind. So continue to read on, if you are not ill from my blabbering already :)

I'm just about 3 months/12 weeks post-op I think? I'm so tired to count. Well more like, I think how I'm getting on with my daily routine is more important than the numbers, honestly. The most satisfying accomplishment for me is to be able to zip around on my two feet in my usual, brisk style. And I can't remember if I mentioned before or not, but since work started, I've been eating lots (and lots) of delicious food around my work place. It's been a month and I've yet to try allllllllll the foodie places. I'm just waiting for my colleagues to bring me to some place new every other day, just because my directional skills are rather appalling.. Hurhur. Thanks to them, I've tested these pair of choppers to the limit at almost every meal, be it in terms of chewability or eating duration. I can eat almost anything now! Except maybe beef and the super tough meats alike. And food that might cause plaque.

Oh yes, can I just say that the 2 plus months of compulsory liquid-bland-blend-meatless diet has gotten me on a savoury-curry-meat food high now. I could probably eat laksa or curry chicken noodle at every meal, if not for Sanity who holds me back. Like that, who wouldn't feel afraid of the day I might be stuffed with triglycerides! D;

Also to mention, that I had drunk Ensure a couple days ago because I missed a meal and had to get my nutrients somehow. Sadly, the taste was slightly disappointing. It was less sweet than I had remembered. Must be the curry on the tip of my buds! Or the mooncake, maybe. Hmm..

This morning, popped by Dr Cheng's for tightening. My teeth have been slightly rebellious in the past one month and had two gaps on my upper jaw. So, I now have a power chain wrapped around the entire length of my upper jaw. Half a day later, to my surprise, the teeth had already shifted to close up the 1mm gap about halfway. Already! And I didn't feel a thing. No pain. Amazing huh! Plus plus, he said I could be rid of that Cherry rubberband in my mouth for now. For now. Well, I'm still happy! Means one less worry of a short-tongued-unintelligible-speech at work!

My swelling is steadily improving. The asymmetry is not as apparent as before (thank God!). Although, I hope that it's not just me thinking this way hahaha. Whatever it is, I'm happy :) I do have to mention that I've been having some pain between the left cheekbone and jaw, usually half the time while I'm eating. Weird huh. I'll have to ensure that there's nothing wrong the next time I visit Dr Wee couple weeks from now.

But anyway, hoorah! For being able to part my jaws two and a half fingers now! And for finally reaching the end of this post. Wish I had more things to write about, but there isn't much to say really. Life goes on pretty normal from 1 month after. So... Till next time friends! Stay strong and joyful!

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