Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Brace up!

Well hullo there! Today I finally got my braces on. What new experience! I keep salivating excessively and slurping them to swallow. Great, I'm just gonna be making really weird noises from now on.

The orthodontist (Dr. Wee) who put my braces on was somewhat gentle :) The procedure was much less painful than I imagined. When I entered the room (before I even got a chance to sit down), I was already asked to select my preferred colour of the bands. I was kind of stunned that it suddenly came all so quickly that he had to confirm that I was doing the metal braces. Hurhur. I selected dark grey and quickly settled down on the chair. 

Dr Wee then studied my teeth a little before officially beginning the procedure, starting first with a little polishing of my teeth. I'm thinking that this is not the usual first step because my sister (who had her treatment a few years back) did not have to go through that. I'm not exactly sure what it was for; will check with the orthodontist during the next visit. After which, he put on something on my teeth, that had its sour residue dripping deeper into my mouth and tongue. That part felt like it took foreverrrrrr. I tried to distract myself from thinking when it would all end by staring the lights and air-con vents on the ceiling of the room. It's quite interesting, really. 

Thereafter, he glued on the brackets unto each teeth, with the plastic thing holding my mouth wide open. Even with that, he had to ask me to open my mouth wide on a few occasions (for I have a rather small mouth). And when I did, he would then ask me to relax my mouth a few minutes later haha. Confusing guy. After all the brackets are stuck on, he then threaded the metal wire through the back teeth on both sides first, and secured them into the treads of the front brackets with those band colours I selected earlier. And voila! I'm done! He gave me some tips on brushing (the braces style), the foods I should be avoiding, how to floss, etc. 

I am having a lot of problem eating now. Not because of the pain, but because my teeth do not meet at all. While this seems common among braces beginners, it seems like my case is a little different? I have two molars on wither side of my upper jaw having the putty-like thing cemented unto it, supposedly to prevent my teeth from biting down on the brackets on the lower teeth. However, because of my cross bite, only the right side of my jaw is in contact with each other. HOW TO EAT LIKE THAT YOU TELL ME. I couldn't even chew my rice. Couldn't eat the pork rib in the radish soup. The future seems bleak to me :( I love food, and when I don't get to eat them my days are sooo gloomy D; Well, just something I have to work around because this is only a small fraction of what I'm going to experience in 8 months time. Excited yet nervous.

Here you go, obligatory unglam teeth photographs haha.
 Parting with the way I accepted myself to be the past decade or so. Missing the freedom so much now.
Grey bands! I think the colour looks really good! 
Look at that gap. 
And if anyone can pick out, some of the bands are not hooked on all four corners of the brackets. This is driving me nuts whenever I inspect my teeth in the mirror. OCD madness.

I hope I get creative and change my diet from this episode of my life. Gunna be loads of fun!.... right?

2 Dec 2013

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