Saturday, 5 July 2014

Day 12: More bands, more pain

Hi friends!

It's another visit to Dr Tan's clinic again this morning, and I'm happy to say that the Dr Tan I knew is back! The lasts two reviews I had with him felt a little depressing. He looked really tired and rarely smiled, and his greetings were barely warm in his usual manner. But today, he greeted my mom and I so cheerfully along the corridor and it really set me in a much better mood. That goes to show that the doctor really does make a difference to the mental well being of the patient during recovery, and more so for such a surgery as this.

If anyone is seeking treatment for dentofacial problems, I'd highly recommend his clinic. He's one of those doctors that really make you feel comfortable and encouraged to go through with such a big decision. The staff there are really warm and friendly as well, but of course, doctors are still humans. They have their emotional highs and lows every now and then :)

Consultation today meant more bands. In simple terms, more bands = more oomph = midline will shift back more and faster. So now I have two bands placed to purposefully create pressure to align my midline aright again. My teeth are hurting :( My molars, to be precise. They don't exactly chomp down with the surface area fully in contact because they are all rotated in all sorts of directions due to my pre-op crossbite. OHHHHH can't wait for this to pass.

Just a thought: how strong exactly are our teeth? I mean with all the force exerted by the rubberbands (and my tongue, while happily exploring the new wonderful incisor structure), will it ever fall out????

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