Friday, 25 July 2014

Day 32: Something stuck in my throat?

I have something stuck in my throat. I don't know what.

I felt it immediately after I choked out a guffaw after dinner. And despite gallons of fluid gulped down, it's still there. It doesn't cause pain all the time, but when I use my throat muscles in a certain manner, I can feel its presence and it's annoying and scary not knowing what it is!

Oh yes, and I also have random spurts of 1/10 pain on certain spots on the chin. It's a very sharp and focused pain, not spread out kind. Usually happens when I smile too much or open my mouth too wide... hurhur. Am I over stressing the muscles or bone joint or something ._.

Sigh. Hope that the throat thing is nothing serious. And that it'll be gone soon! D;

....... this is unrelated to jaw surgery, but I saw this cat sprawled in an awkward position while taking its afternoon siesta, between two ATM machines! So cute I couldn't resist a picture!

Totally exposed O_O


  1. I don't know how far down your throat it is, but earlier on for me (around Week 1 to 2) I felt some weird gunk in my throat/back of my tongue. I got an Orabrush (which is like a tongue cleaner) and I found out that it was a build up of all sorts of stuff from plaque to food (mainly milk) residue. It got everything out and made life a whole lot better for me. :)

    1. Hello! I think I know what you're referring to cos I felt it too but I didn't bother about it lol. That thing I felt stuck is much further down. And it seems to change position each time I feel it. Not sure if it's still there because I have a sore throat, but thank you for your help! :DD
