Wednesday 23 July 2014

Day 29: Just enough energy!

Hello everybardy!

Reporting on my horse power: it's certainly much better than the earlier weeks of recovery, but I guess I'm still not there yet? I felt really light headed, almost to the point of fainting, when I stood up (as I normally would) a tad too quickly while washing some clothes. Don't know why I had to daftly repeat that 7 times over, each time yielding the same fainting spells. Obviously.

Is my blood that was lost not back yet? So long meh ://

But I went out street walking today! And I could walk in that brisk manner which I normally do. That's an improvement :))

Although it's past midnight now, I'm suddenly in the mood for cleaning. Can't stand the mess that is piling up in my life right now. Literally and figuratively speaking. There's not a better time than now when I have the mental capacity to do it good. :)) Don't we all need to seriously consider whether to keep or throw things... or is it only me?

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